Thursday 20th October 2016

Hi everyone

Thanks for your prayers. It was a busy day today with 11 people turning up for Bible study. It seemed like many who had not come for a while decided to come today. One man whom I had not seen for a few months said to me God had placed something in his head and he had to come to see me and join me for Bible study.

Another guy who I expected to still be in rehab was not well and had infected feet (problems walking) but managed to drag himself to be with us today.

For whatever reason its God who clearly works in people to get them there.

Thank and praise God for this.

Please continue to pray for the man in a coma as I continue to meet and pray with his brother. Today I met some other members of his family from Victoria. I prayed and spoke with them today too.

Pray that God will provide people to participate in November SHUM.                                                                                       Thanks                                                                                                                                                                                          Michael

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