Thurdsay 30th August – Sunday 2nd September
Hi guys, Thanks for your prayers for Thursday. 9 people attended Bible discussion on Thursday. One new man attended who had not been before. Please pray for one guy who meets regularly with me and I am also encouraging him to attend on Sunday as well. He is a bit intimidated by Sunday. On Saturday I worked with the youth of CPC and our other youth worker to put on an Art Exhibtion. This was done as an out reach and we invited people from the Local area to this event. The day was well received with 80-100 people from the area attending. Praise God! Unfortunately we could have done with a lot more people to help converse to people and welcome them in. Today two people attended for Bible discussion which was great. Please pray for one guy who has been inconsistent in attendance this year but is just now starting to get his act together. Thanks Michael