Thursday 30th September

Hi all,
It was a pleasure serving with the last group of people from the Tuesday night ministry. Then this week I felt a little daunted faced by another Thursday meeting. However God was gracious. 8 people attended this was not including helpers Ann, Derek, Lisa (my wife) and myself. Roxan Chan cooked a wonderful lunch. Unfortunately one of the people who attended was not in a good state of mind and was getting angry at others and speaking to herself. However I prayed for her before we began the study and we manged to get through the study.
Please pray that God works in the people who attend despite all the obstacles. At times I cannot gauge with any certainty whether people have learnt something from the study or whether it was even clear and understandable.
Please Pray that God will continue to use me regardless of what transpires.
One guy afterwards said he found the study hard to understand I visited him later and we had a good chat and time of sharing.
Please continue to pray for the group and the upcoming Church camp which I am attempting to take some of the Thursday group to.

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