Peace Thursday 1st August 2013

Hi everyone
Thanks for your prayers as well as supporting and
participating in SHUM with me. I hope it was a beneficial experience for you
and encourage you to continue to fuel your enthusiasm for seeing the gospel
Today 14 people came and stayed. Out of those 14 were
two new people. One I met at Edward Eager Lodge on Sunday and invited him the
other came from an invitation from one of the regulars. Today we also had 3 of
the regulars missing from  sickness and doctors appointment.
God was so gracious that he brought all these people
and on top of this most were in a good peaceful state of mind. Another guy who
attends regularly but is normally unable to sit through the whole session
stayed  the entire time today.. Praise
God for these few gems.
Zacky from the Church I attend provided a great lunch.
Margaret and Thomas (recent helper) again provided invaluable help.
Praise God for today

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