Thursday 5th May
Thanks for your prayers everyone. It was an amazing day today 17 people attended Bible discussion at least 3 from Tuesday night invitations. Hopefully we will see them again next Tuesday night. Also On top of those 3 another 3 or 4 came who had not been before. This is a praise point with about 7 people there who had not attended before. Please pray that God will work in their hearts to bring them back and open their hearts to Him. With this many people please pray for wisdom for myself and how I speak and lead not just the study but other conversations. Fortunately the food streteched, just for this many. However my two helpers Derek and Ann and myself did not get to eat. (That’s fine I am used to that) Thanks for your prayers I am sure that this could not be accomplished without them. You all play an active role on Thursdays through your prayers so thanks once again.Michael