Thursday 16th May 2017

Hi everyone,                                                                                                                                                                                     Thanks for your prayers for last Thursday .

12 people came through our doors. 4 people had not been to the group before . I was surprised particularly at one person who came from Edaard Eagar Lodge. We always say hello but she never has wanted to engage too much past that. However she came and listened . The group was quiet I think because they all had a number of people there they did not know.

Pray that people will return and that God’s word will be planted in their hearts .

On Sunday during service a man committed suicide in his room . We had countless police and detectives walking through while I held service and preached. It was pretty disruptive but we managed to get through this. I also spoke to staff involved and will need to follow up on the and associated matters.

Please pray for our staff and this mans family and that God will guide me as to whether the family will need assistance during this time .



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