Thursday 13th September
Hi everyone, Thanks for your prayers. Today 10 people attended Bible discussion. I did a sausage sizzle for lunch today, needless to say it all went. One guy who has attended over the last few weeks, has been staying the whole afternoon. At first I thought he was only coming for the lunch but he is happy to interact during Bible discussion. Pray that God will work in him. Pray also for the guy I have told you about who recently accepted Christ. I have spent a lot of time with him over the past couple of months but now he has gone missing. I cannot contact him ( he is not returning my calls or messages) and he has not been coming to see me. Pray that God will continue to work in him whether it be through me or some other believers. Please pray for the Church camp as I intend to take a couple of people to the camp. This is always thwart with danger as whatever I plan with them normally does not work out as planned. Please also pray about SHUM in the next couple of months I currently have no one who is able to participate. Ann from my Church was faithfully helping out today. Thanks Michael