Thursday 13th July 2017

Hi everyone,
Today was a peaceful day with 9 people attending Bible study. It was cold in the hall but fellowship was warm. One man came who had not been before and I had been encouraging him to attend. Praise God, for bringing him.
He enjoyed the fellowship and hopefully will also join us on Sunday.
Please pray that God will continue to bring people and His Spirit transform lives.
One lady who had been attending 3 times a week for  bible study with me. Moved away and when that happened so did
her routine. This happened about 1 year ago. I have been trying to get her to return and even offered her a lift today by car to Bible study
but she pulled out last minute. Many people come are consistent and then lose that.
Pray God will work in this woman’s life and others like her.                                                                                                                                         Michael

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