Thursday 9th and 16th February
Hi all Thanks for your prayers.
The last two weeks we have had 10 people attend Thursday Bible discussion. So far each week of February a new person has attended. Yesterday a guy I have known for a number of years who has never been to the Thursday group before decided to attend. I had not seen him for about 4 months and yesterday he appears on the doorstep. Praise God.
Please pray that new people who attend may return.
Please also pray about this issue:
The church we meet at on Thursdays has requested we change the day we meet. Friday is the next available day for me I put this to the group but only half would be able to attend if we met on Friday. Not only this the routine of Thursdays has been established for many and this is a battle in itself to get people to routinely attend and make it part of their life.
Please pray that an amicable solution can be reached and that prejudice has no influence over decisions made.