Sunday and Tuesday (9th and 11th June)
Hi everyone,
The Church I attend currently is undergoing renovations. On Sunday morning two people turned up to see me. Both were distraught and 1) I did not know if they both could tolerate each other in their currect mental state 2) where could we meet privately to pray and if possible read God’s word and 3) were the number of people at Church going to increase their anxiety
As it worked out it was a sunny day and we moved off Church premises to the street. Here we chatted I shared from some passages and they shared their thoughts . It was a great time of fellowship reading and discussing God’s word together then ending in prayer. Praise God.
On Tuesday I normally open the afternoon for if people want to meet to have biblestudy and prayer. Normally it is only 1 person at the most 2 today 4 people decided to come. Praise God again.
Where this will lead I do not know but pray that God’s word will transform lives.
Thanks and Praise to God and also for your prayers