Thursday 17th March (Now in recess for 2 weeks)
Hi everyone, Today was a strange day. Altogether 12 people came through our doors. One came just to let me know he was doing ok but had an appointment so he had to leave...
Hi everyone, Today was a strange day. Altogether 12 people came through our doors. One came just to let me know he was doing ok but had an appointment so he had to leave...
Hi everyone, Today 10 people came through our doors. One guy who I have been following up from a couple of months ago attended for the first time. I knew him from Edward Eagar...
Hi everyone, Today 10 people came through our doors. However it was a complicated day. One lady came early to see me from the lodge. She has been coming consistently to weekly bible studies...
Hi everyone, Thanks for your prayers. Today 12 people came through our doors not including 1 person who came afterwards to speak to me about some issues. It was a relatively quiet day with...
Hi everyone, Today 11 people came through our doors. 2 of these I met through Wesley Mission and are Christians from the US only here for a couple of months but wanted to attend....
Hi everyone, Today was a very busy day. This was not just because of the number of people but because many had issues which they wanted to talk about before and after today’s Bible...
Hi everyone, Today was our first Thursday for 2016. 10 people came through the doors to join us for Bible study. It was great to see some people I had not seen for the...
Hi everyone, Today was our last Thursday Bible study for the year. We had a special lunch today. It was a strange day with a few people not there because they were in hospital....