I’m Back

Sorry it has been a while since I have entered an update. However this has not meant that ministry stopped for me. Indeed during covid it has been even busier for me. Meeting people in parks or vistiing at their homes. I have continued Bible study one on one under these conditions. During this time Wesley Mission had planned to moved out of the Lodge but this like many other things was hit by COVID which brought unprecedented changes.

Thursday group Bible study started 3 weeks ago. We started with holding two sessions and lunch served in between these sessions. This was to ensure we maintained under the 10 limit of people.

However since last week we were allowed to meet as one group with distancing. People have appreciated being able to meet together. Attendance has been good with around 13 people attending each Thursday. Please continue to pray for the group as I still have many who have not as yet returned.

This week I have also organised to have service at Edward Eagar Lodge. This will be our last service before renovations. People will be moved out of the lodge this week. Our first and last physcial service during covid for quite some time. I expect 1-2 years. Please pray that people will attend and that we will be able to encourage people in the Lord this Sunday at 11am.

We have also been having zoom worship/bible study on Sundays at 11am . This has also been well attended with average of 13 people attending each Sunday. This have been a surprising blessing.

God has also provided for SHUM on Tuesday nights. It has been hard to obtain volunteers during COVID. However we have managed to maintain a group/team of 4 which has also been a blessing. It has not been easy keeping Tuesday nights rolling. There have been hurdles to overcome but God again has provided and been gracious. Please continue to pray for volunteers. Thanks for your prayers Michael

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