An Early Start – Thursday 19th July 2012
Hi everyone Thanks for your prayers Today 4 people arrived around 11.30am. We don’t start till 1.00pm. They were happy to sit around relax, talk and drink coffee. Today 9 people attended Bible discussion with one person having to leave before Bible study began. This was not including another guy who came in early and had not been before but thought we started at 12 and so had to leave as he had a previous appointment after 1.00pm. However I did have a good conversation with him and he seemed keen to return another day even on a Sunday. We’ll see how this works out. Today a friend who is a missionary in China and currently on furlough in Sydney shared about his experience in China. Derek, Ann and Lisa , my wife, were the faithful helpers for the day. Lisa cooked and provided a great lunch today. We had a few regulars away today so please pray that God will continue working in their life and that they will return. A guy who I spoke to on Tuesday night and have been encouraging to attend over the past few months, attended today. I had rung him on Wednesday and this morning to prompt and encourage him to attend. I invited him to Edward Eager Lodge on Sunday and he said he will be there please pray for this. He is really searching for God. Please pray that he will open his heart to the Lord. Thanks Michael